07956 852300



Mindfulness Courses in Hampshire

Hampshire Mindfulness Centre offers a range of mindfulness stress reduction courses (MBSR) and mindfulness approaches to reduce stress and increase wellbeing. We also offer mindful yoga programmes and mindfulness retreats. All our courses and teachers are abiding by and promote the Good-practice Guidelines for teaching mindfulness set by the UK Network for Mindfulness Teachers.

Upcoming Courses

Why Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is an integrative mind body based approach approved by NHS. Read more about why so many people are practicing it.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness helps us see with greater clarity how we may approach our moment by moment experience skilfully, taking more pleasure in the good things and dealing more effectively with the difficulties we encounter.

What Mindfulness is not?

Myths busted

Mindfulness - moment by moment wholehearted awareness

Research suggests that we spend a significant amount of time ruminating about or replaying the past and another chunk of time planning or worrying about the future, which hasn’t happened yet. Given that the only moment we can do anything about is this one, much of that past and future thinking can be an ineffective use of precious time. Mindfulness teaches us how to be and stay in the present moment and how to act wisely. This kind of work frees up our thoughts and the time we used to use being hooked by them.

Mindfulness enables choice

Mindfulness is the capacity of being aware of your experience without falling into reactions to physical sensations, thoughts, emotions or other people. Mindfulness gives you the CHOICE of having a more skillful response instead of reacting automatically to what is pulling for your attention.

Reduce stress

Mindfulness can help you become more resilient in the face of stress and challenges.

More clarity

Mindfulness can help you self-regulate your moods and thoughts.

Boost your creativity

Mindfulness can help you be more productive and effective.

Live with ease

Mindfulness can help you restore a sense of calm and balance to your life.

Book your place to our next MINDFULNESS COURSE

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy 8-week course for Emotional Eating, starting 8th May 2018, Lymigton, Hampshire


This programme integrates mindfulness practices, mindful movement, cognitive interventions with the science behind stress and eating habits.

It is not another yet weight loss programme. Its aim is to help participants to make a radical shift in how they relate with their thoughts, emotions and body sensations that contribute to emotional eating.

Participants can learn to step out of the habitual automatic patterns of mind that make them turn to emotional eating as a way to comfort themselves in the midst of difficult times.

October 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course


We invite you to join our autumn Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course (MBSR), the eight-week course developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn and the University of Massachusetts Medical School Center for Mindfulness, run by our qualified mindfulness teachers.